Hack is far too strong a term for anything I've got for you to play around with yet. There are some interesting "hacks" posted online involving "hidden" pages in the Chrome browser of the "about:XYZ" variety. A quick search should be able to pull them up. (I'll post a link later, but I'm otherwise occupied at the moment.)
I noticed that the "inspect this element" option pulled open a new window with a URL beginning "chrome-resource://".
Playing around a bit, I discovered a basic "About Google Chrome" page at
chrome-resource://about/ (click to try it out if you're using Chrome right now).
That's all for now, but maybe I'll actually update this a bit more now, with stuff related to Chrome, browsers, and (yes, of course) web design as well!
UPDATE: Using the "view-source:" prefix, check out the "chrome-resource://about/" page seems interesting.